
According to a 2017 study by Nielsen, Black people spent $473 million on hair care, $127 million on grooming aids, and $465 million on skincare products. That's a pretty big deal. 

We’re avid consumers, and trendsetters too. From the hairstyles we wear to the nail art we adorn, Black beauty has undoubtedly shaped the culture (and continues to). And that’s why we deserve a space to chat about our unique, intimate experiences with beauty and the products that work for us

Enter: The Hue Report, a podcast and digital community that celebrates Black beauty 24/7, 365. Each episode, the podcast features candid chats about beauty with some of the coolest Black people.

You’ll hear from entrepreneurs, executives, editors, estheticians, and more. This show is all about shining a light on our relationship to beauty and our experiences navigating the beauty industry. You can also expect to be put on to some of the dopest beauty brands made by us, for us. 

Through our podcast, editorial, and social media content, we celebrate Black beauty brands, proudly serve as a destination for Black beauty inspiration, and connect the Black beauty community.




Olivia Hancock, Founder of The Hue Report + Beauty Editor

When I began writing about beauty professionally, I knew that I wanted to do so much more than write about makeup and test products. I wanted to talk about the world of beauty through my perspective as a Black woman. I wanted to talk about the history of Black beauty. As a beauty editor, I have made it my mission to celebrate Black-owned beauty brands and create inclusive editorial content.

The Hue Report is another way I plan to continue to do this work. On this platform, I’m so excited to keep sharing stories about Black beauty and connect our community through the content we create.